Posts Tagged “Tips for Planning for Your First Professional Job Interview”

Now that you’ve graduated, it’s time to find that ideal career. Are you confident in your ability to portray yourself in a job interview?


You’ve completed high school or college and are now prepared to begin your first professional career. Your resumes have been sent out, and you’ve been booked for your first interview. How do you perform effectively in the interview so that you are offered the job?

  • Put on a professional outfit.

    You’re headed to work, not the beach, so no midriff shirts, low-cut blouses, or flip-flops. While a suit isn’t required, it is crucial to present yourself in a professional manner. Don’t dress like you’re going to a concert if you’re trying to secure a job at a conservative workplace like an accounting firm. You have a little more leeway if you’re applying for a retail job. Rather than listing what is and is not appropriate attire, I would advise you to dress as if you were meeting one of the most important persons in your life—because you are!

  • Ensure you’re in good shape.

    Don’t appear as if you just rolled out of bed and couldn’t care less about your personal hygiene. Unwashed hair, filthy fingernails, or body odor will cause the HR Manager to end the interview sooner rather than later. You will be a reflection of the company as an employee, and no consumer wants to do business with someone who is untidy.

  • Pay attention to your body language.

    A confident handshake at the start of the interview demonstrates your self-assurance. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer, be comfortable, and pay attention to the interviewer. Pose questions and pay attention to the replies. Think before you respond to the interviewer’s questions; don’t ramble, and keep the conversation on track.

  • Be confident about the interview.

    Do a few background checks of the company prior to your interview date.  Nearly every company today has a website where you can learn about what they do and who their customers are. This demonstrates to the interviewer that you are enthusiastic about the work and have taken the time to learn everything you can about the firm.

  • Pay attention during the interview

    . I’ve conducted interviews with candidates who pretended to be waiting for public transport. They didn’t ask any questions, instead simply listening to what I had to say, and I wasn’t sure if they were paying attention. Ask questions and participate in the interview with zeal. I asked one candidate if this sounded like something she’d be interested in after detailing all of the duties required of the role. She responded with an abstract answer “I can handle that,” she responded quietly. She didn’t respond to my query, appeared uninterested, and was not hired. If you can’t get thrilled at an interview, you won’t be able to become energized at work.


First impressions are important, and you want to show the interviewer that you are interested in the position, are eager to work hard, and will give it you’re all. You may not be the best-qualified candidate, but you will still get hired because you are the most amazing.

Best of luck!